Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Generic Search Screen (and thoughts about blogs vs slides)

Talking about things that I missed here while not blogging... Years ago I wrote the whole series of posts about ways we can implement the most common part of any application - generic search screen (I even got some of those examples into my "PL/SQL Performance Tuning" book). That was a lot of fun, because it involved a lot of advanced features - object types, Dynamic SQL, XML, pipelined function etc.

Years later I finally decided to make a single-point-of-reference, where I aggregate all of the thoughts. And you know, I understand why people like PowerPoint - in presentation format it feels much more understandable. At least that's what I've heard from a number of my listeners. 

To be fair, I was surprised - personally I can much quicker go through textual format (book/article) comparing to various visually-enhanced content sources. I can still understand live webinar where you have a chance to ask the author direct questions... But listening to webcasts?! I even tried to do it on higher speed - still not my format. Summary: people are REALLY different :-)

Anyways, here is a link (if you still care):


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