Friday, March 22, 2013

Waiting for Collaborate'13

Last two years in Collab'11 and Collab'12 I was coordinating Database Development Boot-camp. That was a lot of fun, especially "mining" though abstracts for best speakers and bargaining with other coordinators about border-line topics. Also I had to learn some baby-sitting tricks, trying to get all of my selected presenters to return white-papers at least somewhat on time. :-) But this year all boot-camps are converted into a smaller number of curricula, so this time I am off my official duty and really can focus on the main goal of anybody coming to the conference - party time! share knowledge!

I am honored to have two of my presentations accepted (by clicking on the links below you can get complete descriptions):
Monday, April 8 [5:00 pm - 6:00 pm]

Wednesday, April 10 [11:00 am - 12:00 pm]

I've been already talking about the first one (#402) in the previous post - and if it survived NYOUG, I think, it has pretty good chances to be useful and entertaining to anybody.

The second one (#399) is a bit more "targeted" in the nature - it started as my internal answer on the question: how do I teach my Developers-becoming-Senior-Developers to properly use all the information available in the database? The obvious answer was not the one I expected - first I need to TELL them about all the existing sources! Developers usually just don't have a clue (and often don't have access) about all of the richness of Oracle environment - it is considered DBA's realm. This presentation tries to bridge that DBA/Developer gap and show how different layers of information could solve real business needs - but only when used jointly! 

On the other side of sharing the knowledge - trying to figure out what everybody else it doing... It's a perfect storm! Too many great speakers/too new time slots! But I promise to publish my schedule here - maybe, it could be helpful to somebody!

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