Monday, June 6, 2011

Oracle OpenWorld 2011 => Oracle Mix

As many of you have noticed, at the end of the last week Oracle sent around accept/reject letters for OpenWorld 2011. Mixed feelings...From one side, I already got in with one of "performance" talks that we often do together with Dr. Paul Dorsey (he covers "why"/I cover "how"). From the other side, I didn't get through the abstract I really hoped.

But this year there is an alternative,“Oracle Mix”, where people could re-submit their abstracts to the “popular vote”.  What surprises me is that majority of MIX topics are either about development or about core DBA’s issues (manageability/ scalability/ availability). Middleware/SOA/other products are well-behind. Two possible conclusions – either DBA/Dev specialists are more active in sharing of their ideas or the balance of presentations in OpenWorld is slightly off. Opinions?

Anyways, if anybody would like to vote for my additional abstract via Oracle Mix, here is a link. 

It is the same talk I will be doing at KScope’11, “Managing unstructured Data: Lobs, BasicFiles, SecureFiles” (Tue June 28, 3 p.m.). Please, increase my chances of increasing the real development content at OpenWorld 2011. 

P.s. A bit more of advertising - Yalim's architectural talk on how to appropriately use PL/SQL in XXI century is strongly suggested to everybody:

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